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Dreamline Wellness Co. is here to help you evaluate your health through a terrain lens, an approach that seeks to get to the root causes of illness, which encompasses spirit, mind and body in the wellness journey. 


While diet is important, so is our environment, our mental state, our light exposure, hormones, trauma history and more. 


All of these things, when looked at singularly, May initially seem insignificant to any diagnosis or ailment you may be experiencing. However, when you start to really dig in it becomes evident that they are all interconnected and must be looked at en masse. In summation, they can become powerful forces to move you towards health or disease. 


We simply can not heal in the same mess we got sick in. To heal we must change our terrain, the soil of our body. Learning to nourish it so that it can begin to produce health.  This is done in a multitude of ways, and while food choices are a massive part of it, there are so many other things that must go along with dietary change in order to see true results.


Dreamline Wellness Co is here to remove the guesswork and point you in a direction of whole body wellness by providing knowledge that empowers YOU to take control of your health.  


Utilizing Dr Nasha Winters Terrain TenTM Questionnaire to determine your personal areas of greatest imbalance, We will start by addressing the top three areas as identified in the questionnaire. Giving recommendations on clean eating and lifestyle that encompass spirit, mind and body to begin healing the terrain.  By healing the terrain of your body you alter the soil that your produce is growing in, over time you can begin to alter the produce as well, getting to the root cause of ailments and many diseases, rather than just treating symptoms.  





the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal


The definition of wellness is wonderful, especially the part of actively pursuing a goal, our health. We must play an active role in order to achieve health. Wellness is not a passive pursuit. We must make the decision that we are going to go after it…and then continue to go after it.  It must become a part of who you are.  It may shift over time, it may ebb and flow, but approaching wellness from a terrain perspective is something that can help you stay healthy over the course of your life 


Oftentimes, we simply don’t know where to start and it can all seem very overwhelming. Especially when there has been a diagnosis. 


Here at  Dreamline Wellness Co. we believe each person must take control of their health.  While you must do the work,  We are here to guide and support you on your journey. 


Having personally navigated an allopathic approach to colon cancer, and an integrative approach to ovarian and uterine cancer, then completing a year long course training as a Terrain Advocate through the Metabolic Institute of Health in 2023, the founder of Dreamline Wellness Co, Amber, has a wealth of real life experience and knowledge to start guiding you in an integrative approach to your health. Whether it be cancer you're facing, another illness, or you simply want to be preventative in nature Dreamline Wellness Co. is here to guide you.



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